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Monday, October 04, 2010

Podcast: Charles Dickens, Warren's Blacking and the Chancery Court

"At the age of 12, the delicate and genteelly brought up Charles Dickens was plunged into employment in a boot-blacking factory, while his father was incarcerated in Marshalsea debtors' prison. These events traumatised the young Dickens, and greatly influenced his future work. However, as an adult this difficult period was never discussed, and only after his death did his account come out. That account has never been corroborated or challenged, but author Michael Allen has discovered that Dickens' employers at Warren's Blacking were fighting each other in the Chancery Court, revealing a great deal of new information. Michael Allen has a 38 year career in libraries and has written and lectured widely on Dickens" - UK National Archives

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